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21 & 22 SEPTEMBER 2024 - Sanicole Airfield (Hechtel-Eksel)

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight - Avro Lancaster

The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is renowned for its evocative aerial displays, showcasing the historical significance of these flying legends. It is not just about preserving the past, but it's equally about honouring the sacrifices of the aviators who flew these iconic aircraft. Make sure you block your agenda and join us to admire a unique aircraft in the skies over Sanicole on 21 & 22 September 2024: the Avro Lancaster.

Marvel at the grandeur of the Avro Lancaster, a four-engine, heavy bomber that dominated the night skies during World War II. With its imposing wingspan and powerful engines, the Lancaster was a formidable force, delivering devastating payloads to strategic targets across Europe. During Operation Market Garden, the daring Allied airborne invasion of the Netherlands in 1944, Lancasters played a crucial role attacking key targets in advance of the planned parachute drops.

The Lancaster of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) is one of only two remaining flying examples in the world and its visit to the International Sanicole Airshow is a poignant contribution to the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of both the liberation of the region around Hechtel-Eksel, but also of the sacrifices made by those taking part in Operation Market Garden.

Combined with the Spitfire and Hurricane of the BBMF, this will certainly be one of the highlights of the International Sanicole Airshow will remain a lasting memory for all visitors of the airshow.

Sanicole Airshow

The most anticipated event in Limburg. The Sanicole Airshow attracts 40,000 visitors each year.

The biggest and most awarded airshow of the Benelux and far beyond.


For general information about the International Sanicole Airshow, contact us via email: 
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Saturday 21 Sept
Sunset Airshow (17h00 - 20h15)

Sunday 22 Sept
Sanicole Airshow (10h00 - 17h30)

Hosted by Combell
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