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21 & 22 SEPTEMBER 2024 - Sanicole Airfield (Hechtel-Eksel)

The Victors Formation Team

In 2004, a new Belgian display team saw the light of day with our friends of Aeroclub Ursel, in the Flemish region Meetjesland, using regular Piper PA-28 touring aircraft. This means the Formation Team the Victors are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year and they will do so in style, so make sure you don’t miss this renowned Belgian display International Sanicole Airshow on 21 & 22 September 2024 at Hechtel-Eksel!

The team have been regular guests at the International Sanicole Airshow since their inception, but they have also ventured across Europe to take part in airshows as far away as Finland, Poland and Slovakia. Their success is not only due to the unusual composition flying sports aircraft, but also because the high degree of difficulty of their display, beautifully choreographing their display to overcome the low power their aircraft produce. Their tight formations have rightfully won admiration all over Europe.

Two of the current team members were also in the original team back in 2004, but younger members have joined the team since then. They are also regular guests at World War 2 commemorations, and they are patrons of the Workgroup B67, which aims to keep the memory of the wartime Ursel airfield alive. It would be impossible to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the allied liberation without them!

Especially for this anniversary year, their aircraft will sport new modern colours and they have revamped their display for extra excitement. Don’t miss the pass with the biggest Belgian flag in the world by the Victors!

Sanicole Airshow

The most anticipated event in Limburg. The Sanicole Airshow attracts 40,000 visitors each year.

The biggest and most awarded airshow of the Benelux and far beyond.


For general information about the International Sanicole Airshow, contact us via email: 
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Saturday 21 Sept
Sunset Airshow (17h00 - 20h15)

Sunday 22 Sept
Sanicole Airshow (10h00 - 17h30)

Hosted by Combell
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